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Wondering what Aromatherapy Is? How can you use essential oils?

Aromatherapy is the use of controlled essential Oils to help promote the well being of the mind, body and soul.

Meaning of aromatherapy:The use of aromas for their healing properties.

Aromatherapy profession is a Aromatherapist!

Generally, a practitioner will work with their clients on a holistic basis, addressing both physical symptoms and their root cause. After that a aromatherapist chooses appropriate essential oils and creates one or more aromatherapy blends for the client to use at home. Results are generally seen after one to three weeks of regular essential oil use, and a client may be seen for several follow-up sessions if necessary.

What is essentail oils?

Essential oils are volatile, sometimes color less, non-oily, and are insoluble in water substances that are extracted from plants, such as roots, leaves, flowers, and fruits either by expression or steam/water distillation!

Some interesting facts about essetial oils, There are cave paintings in Lascaux, France that testify to the use of aromatic plants in primitive societies as far back as 18000 BC. Beginning in the mystery of religious ritual, people have long valued fragrances for their spiritual, cleansing and pleasurable effects.

Aromatherapy time line:

Noelicthic 7000-4000 BC

Ancient Egyptian 3000 BC

Reign of Emperor Huang Ti 2650 BC

The middle east 2000 BC

Corinthian, Rhodian and eastern Greek 800-700 BC

Babylon 500-400 BC

Yemen to the Mediterranean 300-100BC

Rome 100 AD

Europe 400-500

Upper class Chinese 500-600 AD

Japanese 500 AD

Returned to Europe 1200-1400 AD

The Renaissance 1500-1900 AD

Today everywhere in the world now uses Aromatherapy in ways that it fit their culture and believes.

Ways you can use Essential oils:


The person breaths the evaporating oils straight in. This is commonly used for respiratory disinfection and as a decongestant.

Also well known for its psychological benefits when inhaled!


Aromatherapy compresses consists of a cloth that is immersed in water into which that has a few drops of essential oils that have been added and stirred. The cloth is wrung slightly and then applied to the area of choice!


Ingestion of essential oils has its very own place in aromatherapy. It must be approached cautiously and under guidance of a trained aromatherapist!

What essential oils can do for youe mind?

Helps you:


Think clearer




Relieves stress

What can they do for your body?




Relieves pain

Relaxes you

Relaxes your muscles

What can they do for you soul?

Self awareness

Helps put you at peace to further become one with your total being!

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